listing ```dataview list where econtains(type,"character") and contains(faction,"Caltrops") ``` - Vallinor - Vashnor - Calinor Nor might have a meaning testing the text `dice:[[Draw a Card]]\|nodice` > [!draw] > ![[Draw a Card|no-title clean no-link]] ```dataviewjs const ws = app.workspace.lastActiveFile const title = dv.fileLink(ws.path) dv.header(2, "Inlinks for " + title) dv.list(dv.pages("[[" + ws.basename + "]]"); dv.header(2, "About " + title) dv.table(["Name", "Creation Date", "Last modification"], dv.array( => [, p.file.cday, p.file.mtime])) ``` ## Testing for monster stat in a callout >[!note] Zombie > >|Body | Mind | Soul| Health|Stamina|Will| >|---|---|---|-|-|-| >|3|1|1|4|4|2| >--- >testing `dice: 20 + (number * level) \|nodice` this is test to see if the text shows and not the dice icon: `dice:[[Draw a Card]]` > [!checks] Testing > - Title > - [x] > - [x] > [!checks] > - **GROUP** > - Next to checkboxes > - [ ] > - [ ] > - [ ] > - [ ] > - [ ] > - New Row > - Description > - [ ] > - [ ] > - [x] > - [x] > - [x] > - > - Description > - [x] > - [x] > - [x] > - [ ] > - [ ] >[!timeline|t-1 t-r] testing >what happened in here >[!timeline|bg-c-green t-l] second event Legacy Ring of Fire bv ### session log Beskin Caluit the planetary governor PD34 is at our service # Anydice output output 1d8 + 2d6 named "No Leverage" output 1d8 + [highest 2 of 3d6] named "+1 Leverage" output 1d8 + [highest 2 of 4d6] named "+2 Leverage" output 1d8 + [highest 2 of 5d6] named "+3 Leverage" output 1d8 + [lowest 2 of 5d6] # shady speakeasy names |dice:1d20|Name| |----|--------------------------| | 1 | Officer's Club | | 2 | The Gilded Grotto | | 3 | The Noble Nook | | 4 | The Sapphire Salon | | 5 | Lavish Lounge | | 6 | The Covert Cocktail Club | | 7 | The Hush-Hush Hideaway | | 8 | The Confidential Cabaret | | 9 | The Silent Swill | | 10 | The Secret Sip Station | | 11 | The Underground Uptown | | 12 | The Backroom Boudoir | | 13 | The Sultry Swig | | 14 | The Naughty Nook | | 15 | The Saucy Sip | | 16 | The Frisky Flask | | 17 | The Racy Rum Room | | 18 | The Tempting Temple | | 19 | Lusty Libation's Lounge | | 20 | The Covert Courtesan | | dice:1d20 | Race | | --------- | ---------- | | 1-9 | human | | 10-13 | elf | | 14-15 | halfling | | 16-18 | lizardfolk | | 19-20 | bugbear | ^diceroll `dice:[[Scratchpad^diceroll]]` `dice:16+3d5 ` 19-30 something to look into for logs - [~] Conflicts - [ ] first combat - [ ] second combat - [r] Rewards - [ ] first rewards - [ ] second reward - [@] Characters - [ ] first character - [ ] second character