# Welcome to My Playground Hi my name is jethoof and I run table top role playing games (TTRPG) and create my own content for running games for my friends for past twenty years. This is a place for me to share some of my works with my players and others on the web to get their creative juices flowing. The theme for this site is designed by [SlRvb](https://publish.obsidian.md/slrvb-docs/ITS+Theme/ITS+Theme). I have a [[How to Navigate this Place]] for you to understand what kind of setting I am using to communicate with you and this is [ being shared with the TTRPG community](https://github.com/Obsidian-TTRPG-Community/The-Tavern) as a vault and needs to be there for those who are accessing them through github. My current projects - [[Zeni's Mystery Potion]]. Fun potion with unexpected results, mostly positive that gives a random effect to the battlefield. - [[Expedition Team, One Pager v0.10]]. The core aspect of the game I am designing.